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The Health Systems Training Institute (HSTi) is the training arm of the Health Systems Trust (HST), a leading force in the South African public health sector. HST was established in 1992, on the brink of democracy in South Africa, and has since played a significant role in strengthening the national primary health system through health research, informatics, clinical support, capacity-building and training. HST’s strength lies in the knowledge, insight and experience harnessed through synergising our research and implementation outputs towards a vision of health for all through strengthened health systems. HST’s working models are translated into capacity-building and training interventions and are delivered by HSTi to improve primary health care (PHC).




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Accredited Short Programmes




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Non-Accredited Short Programmes




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Full NQF Programmes



  • 2021-10-15
    The Health Systems Trust's (HST's) training arm, the Health Systems Training Institute (HSTi) has signed a Memorandum of Agreement with the National Institute Community Development and Management (NICDAM)...
  • 2021-08-10
    The elderly in our communities are often seen as soft targets of exploitation, abuse, crime and neglect. South Africa has just over 2.75 million older people, 1 million of which are already over the age of 75....

covid-19 statement​

The Health Systems Trust (HST) and the Health Systems  Training Institute (HSTi) have gone to great lengths to put the safety of their employees as well as their clients first during the COVID-19 pandemic. A detailed workplace readiness plan was devised at the start of the pandemic to ensure that the HST and HSTi are fully compliant to the COVID-19 regulations as set out by the South African Government. Measures included providing field staff with appropriate PPE, allowing office-based staff to work from home where possible, educating staff on social distancing, handwashing and the serious threat to life that COVID-19 presents, maintaining a hygienic work environment and ensuring that each office has two or three Compliance Officers.

The HSTi has not been exempt from the challenges faced by institutions of learning across the globe, and has had to adjust its operations to not only comply with Lockdown regulations, but also to keep its staff and learners safe. Where possible, training takes place remotely by using video-conferencing software. Due to the practical nature of some courses, and the difficulty some students have with accessing technology, training that has to take place face-to-face is done in COVID-19 safe environments. The HSTi will ensure that these venues are compliant with COVID-19 regulations by ensuring that the venue is sanitised before training commences, does not exceed capacity, that sanitiser is readily available and that participants are screened before entering the venue. It is compulsory for all staff and participants to wear masks at all time.